Tuesday, March 22, 2016

EOC: Week 10 what channels are you going to use to get your product noticed.

I will be using social media of course. We will create a new account for the collaboration. But I will also be using the accounts of the already established brands, so that their clients and customers can know that the collaboration will be happening. We will be taking advantage of fashion weeks throughout the world. Both brands have a global presence, so they can reach their individual demographics.

We will also be making a short film that can be showed as three separate videos. One touching more on fashion and the other more on the life of the car. The final will merge these two together. This will be shown in commercials and be used as cousin advertisement. They will have a similar feel but be able to stand alone.

We will get our product noticed by creating events where each label can invite their higher clients, since this will mainly focus on the luxurious life. We will also hold events in dealerships, so that individuals can test drive the Acura. We will also include pop up shops with Tom Ford merchandise.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

EOC week 9: comparing politics 4

1. There are two main parties. In the movie is is Yes or No and for the most part it is the Republican vs the Democratic party.

2. Using humor to deflect from serious situations. In the movie the Yes party made fun of the No campaign and used a similar commercial once the No campaign showed their advertisement. The No campaign was so strong and so the Yes campaign felt they were in trouble and caused a commotion to deflect from the fact that they were losing.

3. The campaign had a lead much like our political parties have a leads or manager that deal with public relation issues.

4. Smear campaigns were used to push away from the other parties approach. The No campaign played more fairly, but they still used the idea of moving away from the Yes campaign and what they thought was right.

5. Campaigns find supporters, but rarely show how their political views affect other member in different class status. F

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Week 8 EOC, Slogan + Typography

Because speed is always needed

Because speed is always needed

Because speed is always needed 

Because speed is always needed

Because speed is always needed

Because speed is always needed

Because speed is always needed

Because speed is always needed

Because speed is always needed

Because speed is always needed

Final Project: Analysis

While and after working on my final project I would ask for suggestions to see if I was moving in the right way or if what I was marketing could actually reach and speak to the viewer.

"The advertisement really emphasis luxury, is that what you were trying to do?" - Ted, Graphic Designer

This was indeed what I was mainly focusing on so I am glad they asked the question. "And because design is an iterative process, many of us work, going back and forth—thinking, sketching, rethinking, and so on." (135) We did jump back and forth between ideas, but knew we wanted to stick to something doing with luxury. We wanted to emphasis that in all aspects of advertisement, hence the collaboration with a luxury fashion brand.

"Luxury you didn't know you needed is a really good one" - Alex, Fashion Marketing

I though this possible slogan was witty, but was more of a tagline and could still be used in advertisement in a small paragraph rather than a stand alone. I am glad it was liked, but I wanted the slogan to be sweet and to the point. I also thought it was interesting because luxury is more of a want rather than a need, so it was a play on words.

"The simple sketch shows that luxury can be simple, that's dope" - Carl G, Marketing Analysis

I hadn't thought about the simplicity of it. I was thinking more of the creation of it. This showed that someone saw something beyond what I saw and I greatly appreciated that. Because the world is so digital I wanted to touch on the use of hand drawing as stated in the book, "if everyone seems to be using photo-editing software to create visuals, create yours by hand." (206)  That's what we did here for this ad campaign. Carl gave meaning to the advertisement, that wasn't subliminally put there. It also shows that the advertisement goes beyond the thought we made, of just moving away from digital, not knowing we were moving towards simplicity.

Final Project: Creative Component


ACURA x Tom Ford

Because we are opening up the idea to both sides, there will also be a part of the ad campaign that will feature a sketch so that our demographic can picture themselves or “draw” themselves into the advertisement. Again, this speaks to the fantasy that both of these labels provide for the customer. They can be shown together, but "each individual ad in the campaign also can stand on its own" (198). hows, Each brand will have their individual ads, which will then make clients make the connection of the collaboration, but both names will be on the ads.

Tom Ford has fashion shows, where Acura will be a part of and the same is true for any Acura events. During the fashion show we can introduce the collaboration and reach out to their many clients and invite them to an event that Acura will hold to showcase the collaboration. These events can be held around the world, expressing the life lived in luxury. This is the story being told through  our creative component. "To look for the insight, we start by mining for something common to us all in human nature: our needs, hopes, aspirations, and desires." (193)

America and Japan will be two of the major countries in which these events will be held. We could even hold a special event during a major Honda Day. Honda, being the makers of Acura can also be a part of this collaboration opening up Honda Day to many fans. There can be a small fashion show during this day while Tom Ford has a pop up shop on this day, opening up the demographic of car fans to the fashion house. Tom Ford will make an exclusive line for this particular day baring the Honda and Acura logos. At these events the videos that were shot will be played.

Final Project: Promotion

Working on promotion will be fun. Acura will be featured in a Tom Ford commercial and vice versa. We will do something similar that Tom Ford has done in the past with this Lips and Boys short commercial. It was daring. There will be similar snap shots of the car as well as the clothing used. We will be using these piece to tell and show a story since there is "value of “telling” versus “showing” an audience a story" (108) and since this is the case, we will do both.  Rather the focus being on lips and lip stick it will be of the car, both of the exterior and interior. This will be a video component, but we will also had print, that will be taken from the video shoot. The print ad will be featured in fashion magazines like GQ, W, Vogue and NY Magazine.

This will help Acura reach into the fashion demographic. These advertisements will also have spreads in Superstreet, Automobile and Motor Trend. Having advertisement placed in both types of magazines creates an array of individuals that will see this advertisement. It will also make certain individuals away of the opposite brand. Some individuals may be strictly into cars, but not the biggest fans of fashion and so this kind of collaboration will open up their thoughts to the fashion side. The same is true for those super fashion forward individuals that don’t know much about car, it can open up their minds to a different world, still in the realm of luxury. In advertising, slice-of-life format is a drama showing a realistic portrayal of life," (117) with our advertisements we will be showing you a realistic portrayal of the luxurious life.

Final Project: Big Idea, THE COLLABORATION

The Collaboration 

One main component that sets us apart with this ad campaign is the collaborations of brands that we are. Acura x Tom Ford. We can use this to speak to the fashion forward, technological driven generation of this time. Both companies reach a similar demographic within their own personal realms, bringing these two together will be beneficial for both companies. "Not only does branding identify and distinguish, it builds equity (the value of the brand or group)." (49)  Both of these labels hold value within their brands and markets. 

This is modern, new luxury and both companies touch base with that. "What differentiates a brand is how it is characterized, its visual and verbal identity as expressed in each media unit and through every point of contact. Simply stated, differentiation is what distinguishes one brand from the rest." (52) The Tom Ford label launched in 2006, a reason we chose to work with this brand rather than something like Louis Vuitton, which was founded in 1854 and speaks more so to old luxury, still modern in the fashion world today, but not quite what we are looking for in this collaboration. The Tom Ford brand is different enough from other fashion labels in the market, but similar to its characterization and visualization of Acura.

By collaboration with such a young, but well established brand we will attract a new market of fashion forward individuals, while staying within our usual demographic. We are simply expanding that demographic. Having Acura team up with Tom Ford will allow us to reach and become popular amongst a wide range of customers. The person wearing Tom Ford lives in luxury, in a more literal sense. The clothing they wear is luxury and they live in their clothing. Acura, a luxury vehicle, speaks to the lifestyle of the driver.