Tuesday, February 9, 2016

EOC Week 2: Three Examples of Questionable Ethics

Advertisements are everywhere and even though we want to believe them they can use tactics that may not be so ethical. Here are 3 examples of that. 

1. Advertising to younger age group - brands advertise to a younger audience to get them hooked and keep them as a costumer in coming years. Fast food restaurants market to children and teens. These children become early costumers of these fast food chains and grow into unhealthy lifestyles in adulthood.

2. False comparisons - many brands and business’s use this tactics to lure clients in. They will compare their cheapest rates with their competitors higher rates to give the costumer a false thought that they will be receiving a deal. Many phone carriers do this. Many food and beverage company do this with nutrients facts. A orange juice may say they use only a certain amount of sugar in comparison to its competitors, but may be using GMO fruits.

3. Product Placement - this can be controversial as all companies need to brand and market some way some how. Product place can make viewers make association that aren’t nesscearily true. For example in a movie featuring a super hero one might witness the superhero drinking a specific drink and may associate that drink with strength and super powers even though it may have a drink with no nutritional benefits.

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