Tuesday, February 9, 2016

EOC Week 4: Role of Women in Contemporary Advertisements

There has been a shift in how women are being portrayed in contemporary advertisments. Before they were timid, passive and more than likely seen as housewives, but in todays advertisments she is strong, independent, assertive. There are many more movies with women leading role then in the past. We often saw women in secretary like positions, catering to the bossman, whereas now they are the bosses of major corporations and businesses making the calls. There has been a major shift in the culture with women providing opions and being the voice for brands
For example recently Budweiser launched a commercial against drunk driving during the Superbowl and the person handing the message was Helen Mirren, a woman and well respected and known actress. A beer company whos target audience are males, decided to place an older female character in a pub having a tradition burger and fries meal, telling them to not be imbeciles and drive under the influence. 
Marvel, the comic series, has recently launched a series on Netflix of their character Jessica Jones. Jessica Jones is a very stern and strong character. She runs her own business and doesn't take crap from anyone. Through out the series she fights a mind controller trying to keep him from perpetrating his evil ways into the city. This is a major move for Marvel who focuses on their many male superheroes. 
Women are breaking through in advertisements and in media in general. They are being shown in strong and confident roles.

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